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Identifying and Removing Honey Bee Nests in Your House

Identifying and Removing Honey Bee Nests in Your House

Bees are essential to our ecosystem, as they play a vital role in pollination. However, when a honey bee nest is established in your house, it can cause an array of problems for homeowners. In this article, we’ll explore how to identify a honey bee nest in your house, the best methods for removal, and preventative measures you can take to avoid future infestations. When facing a honey bee infestation, Beegone is the best place to go, as they specialise in live bee and honeycomb removal from buildings. So, let’s dive into understanding honey bee nests in houses and how to deal with them.

Identifying a Honey Bee Nest in Your House

Common Nesting Locations

Honey bees prefer specific locations for their nests, which can vary depending on the species. Unlike bumble bees, honey bees do not build nests on the ground. Instead, they are more likely to establish their nests in hollow trees, rock crevices, or even within the walls of a building. If you notice bees consistently flying in and out of a hole or gap in your house, this may be an indication of a honey bee nest.

Types of Bees

It’s important to distinguish between different types of bees that may be infesting your home. The most common types include honey bees, yellow jackets, paper wasps, carpenter bees, and European hornets. Each species has its own unique characteristics and nesting habits, so identifying the type of bee is crucial for determining the best course of action for removal.

Signs of Infestation

If you notice an excessive number of bees flying around your home, this could be a sign of a bee infestation. Additionally, dark patches on the walls or ceilings may indicate a honey bee nest, as honey production can cause staining. Observing bees carrying pollen on their legs is another indicator that a nest may be present.

Honey Bee Nest Removal

Professional Help

When dealing with a honey bee nest in your house, it’s highly recommended to seek professional help. Beegone is a specialist in live bee and honeycomb removal from buildings. The bee removal specialist with their expertise and proper equipment, they can ensure a safe and effective removal process. If you’re in need of honey bee nest removal, Beegone is the best place to go for assistance.

Open Wall Removal

In some cases, a Live bee removal specialist company such as Beegone can perform an open wall removal. This process involves opening up the wall, removing the combs and bees, and sealing the area afterward. A live bee removal specialist may use a bee vacuum to safely collect the bees without harming them. Once the bees and combs are removed, make sure you get a quote with a guarantee as it’s highly likely that the bees will return to the same location. 

Screen Cone Removal

Another method employed by beekeepers is the screen cone removal. A beehive box is placed near the entrance of the bees in the wall, and a bee valve or wire mesh cone is installed to allow the bees to exit but not re-enter the nest. Over time, the bees will join the new hive, and the original nest will be weakened. The beekeeper will then remove the screen cone and allow the new hive to collect any remaining honey before taking the bees away. However, the likely hood of this working is very low. 

Preventing Honey Bee Infestations

Fill the Cavity

After a honey bee nest has been removed, it’s crucial to prevent another swarm from moving back into the cavity. Filling the cavity with polyurethane expander foam is an effective way to deter bees from nesting in the same location again. Seal any cracks or gaps in the walls to further prevent bees from returning. However, filling void spaces could result in damp so always make sure you seek professional help. 

Catch Boxes

Placing empty, baited beehives (also known as catch boxes) around your property can help capture swarms that are looking for a new place to nest. These catch boxes can prevent bees from choosing your house as their new home. 

Cover Food

Keeping food covered, especially during the summertime, can deter bees from being attracted to your home. Bees are drawn to sweet and sugary foods, as well as dairy and meat products. Be sure to cover and refrigerate food items after use to minimize the chances of attracting bees.

Use Natural Bee Repellents

Natural bee repellents, such as peppermint oil, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, lemongrass, and citronella, can help keep bees away from your home. You can create your own repellent spray or purchase scented candles with these fragrances to deter bees.

Educate Your Family

Teaching children about the importance of bees and how to prevent bee stings is an essential step in minimizing the threat of bee infestations. Educate them on how to react when a bee is near, not to disturb nests, and how vital bees are for the environment.

Why Choose Beegone for Honey Bee Nest Removal

When faced with a honey bee nest in your house, Beegone is the ideal choice for professional help. They specialise in live bee and honeycomb removal, ensuring a safe and effective process. With years of experience and a passion for protecting honey bees, Beegone is the best place to turn to for assistance with honey bee nest removal. They are also one of the only companies to offer live honey bee removal with a guarantee that the bees won’t return. It is very important to get this as its highly likely that the bees will return to the same location. 

Contacting Beegone

If you suspect a honey bee nest in your house, don’t hesitate to contact Beegone for their expert services. They will assess the situation, provide the appropriate removal method, and advise on preventative measures to keep bees from returning. Trust Beegone for all your honey bee nest removal needs in your home or business.


A honey bee nest in your house can be a challenging problem to tackle. However, by identifying the nest, seeking professional help from Beegone, and implementing preventative measures, you can successfully manage and prevent bee infestations. Remember, bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem, so it’s essential to treat them with care and respect while safeguarding your home and family.