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*Unless otherwise specified, references in this Legal Statement to PGH Pest Prevention, means Higgs Holdings Limited trading as PGH Pest Prevention or PGH Beegone Pest Control.
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A reference to any help or item on this site doesn’t comprise a proposal to supply or sell that assistance or item and doesn’t imply that the assistance or item is accessible in all areas or nations. Anyone with any interest at all in a particular help or item ought to contact their local PGH Pest Prevention, Beegone or PGH Beegone Pest Control branch or delegate for explicit guidance concerning the accessibility as well as reasonableness of a specific assistance or item inside their region.
Trade marks
The names “PGH Pest Control and Prevention”, “Beegone”, “PGH Beegone” and “Higgs Holdings Ltd” are enrolled exchange marks. All brand names shown on this site are either claimed or utilised under permit by Higgs Holdings Limited.
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Company information
Our registered address and contact information:
Telephone: +44 1483 273 478
Email: [email protected]
Head Office Address: Hivegrove, 3B Kings Court, Burrows Lane, Gomshall, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9QE, United Kingdom
Company Number: Higgs Holdings Ltd. Registered in England no.09269881
PGH Pest Prevention
PGH Beegone