24 Hour Call answering service
24 Hour Call answering service
Have you been informed of when we are coming to conduct the treatment?
If you are unsure when we will be arriving to carry out your treatment, please give us a call on 01483 273 478
Yes. Depending on where the bees are located, you may be required to clear certain areas of your property so that we can access them properly. This may include furniture or possessions which may be in the way of the area our technicians need to work. It will make our work a lot quicker and more efficient on the day if the area is clear.Â
We make every effort to keep you informed through every step of your Live Honeybee Extraction, if you have not heard from us regarding access, please contact us as soon as possible.
A tower or scaffolding may be delivered/erected a few days before the removal to ensure there is no delays on the day of removal. There may also be a ladder for scaffolding left in the garden
A safe work area will be blocked off for safety reasons and to ensure passers by are not stung. Please notify your neighbors beforehand of the removal to avoid any inconvenience.
We will need access to the house/building in case of honeycomb or bees coming down into the house.
We can not give you any honey as we legally cannot guarantee it is safe to eat.
Foraging bees which have been out collecting nectar whilst the removal was being carried out will return to the colony. Providing that proofing works have been conducted, they cannot get back in and they may cluster together near the original entrance or be hanging around the area attempting to gain entry. These will disperse over course of the next few weeks. External colonies will also be attracted to the strong smell of honey now that the area has been opened up, they will be attempting to steal the honey residue. (Why make it yourself, when you can steal it?)
Once all the works have been confirmed and completed as per your individual quotation, we will contact you for payment, alternatively you can contact us and get your final bill paid.
Once all works have been completed, a quality check has been performed and final payment received, then we will arrange to have the access removed for you. We will inform you when they will be arriving to remove the scaffold or cherry picker
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Hivegrove, Kings Court, Burrows Lane, Gomshall, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9QE