24 Hour Call answering service



24 Hour Call answering service




Have you been informed of when we are coming to conduct the treatment?

If you are unsure when we will be arriving to carry out your treatment, please give us a call on 01483 273 478

Before we arrive

Is there anything I need to do before the technicians arrive?

Yes. Our technician needs access to the area where the nest is located in order to conduct the treatment. This includes opening side gates to access rear gardens or informing us of any gate codes if you are not going to be in. If the nest is located in the loft DO NOT open the loft hatch, as the wasps or hornets will be attracted to the light and can come down into the house.  It is best to steer clear of any nests as the wasps/hornets inside can be very aggressive. Our technicians have the correct protective clothing to prevent stings so please leave them to deal with the nest and do not approach the area.

Do I need to be in the house during the treatment?

Yes. Even if the nest is located on the outside of the building, it is important that we can still access inside. Our technicians will need to see what is on the other side of the wall or part of the building where the nest is located to ensure that no chemicals leak into the building accidentally. If it is in an uninhabited area where this does not apply e.g. hanging from a shed or in the ground, then inside access is not applicable.

How does the treatment work?

The treatment will be directly applied to the nest using specialist equipment. This is usually in powder or liquid form and applied via a pump or aerosol. There are several types of insecticide used in professional pest control services, these include but are not limited to:

  • Ficam D – This is a Bendiocarb that works by disrupting the normal functions of an insect’s nervous system and may kill them by either contact or ingestion.
  • Vulcan P5DP – This is a natural Pyrethrin product that works again by affecting the nerve cells of the insect causing hyperexcitation which causes loss of motor coordination.
  • Diatomaceous Earth – This is a fine powder made of natural sedimentary rock, clays and minerals, it works by absorbing the lipids from the exoskeleton of the insect. This exoskeleton acts as a barrier to avoid the loss of water, contact with DE damages this layer and causes dehydration.

After Treatment

Why am I hearing increased activity after the technicians have been?

It is not unusual to still see activity up to 7-10 days after treatment, this is due to the adult wasp who have come into contact with the insecticide dying off, but the eggs inside have not. These then hatch and grow into adult wasps, they will then leave their cells and come into contact with the insecticide and die off. This process itself takes several days.

As you can imagine the wasps/hornets probably aren’t too happy about their nest being poked and prodded, so it is best to stay well away from any treated nest. Even the presence of the pest control technician will agitate them. The activity levels will also be dependent on the insecticide used, Vulcan P5DP for example causes hyperexcitation in the insect by increasing its metabolism making them much more active.

I have had the nest treated, but the dead nest is still there, does this need removing?

No. Once all the activity in the nest has ceased and it is effectively ‘dead’ then there is no harm in leaving the nest where it is. If you wish to have it removed permanently then, for an additional fee, we can remove the entire nest for you, DO NOT try and remove the nest yourself, it will still contain the insecticide used and the appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn. This is also ‘contaminated waste’ and must be disposed of by a registered disposal company.

It has been 7-10 days since the treatment, but I am still seeing activity, what should I do?

All wasp or hornet nests that we treat carry a guarantee for the entire season (July-October). If after the 7-10-day grace period, you are still seeing activity in the treated nest then please contact us to get this retreated for free!


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